About Kimerud Distillery

The Kimerud Distillery is a family owned distillery, built on Kimerud Farm, which dates back to 1785.

kimerud farm

Kimerud Farm is located in Lier municipality, west of Oslo. The clean air and good soil here provide the best conditions for growing high quality herbs and berries.

Kimerud is the highest awarded Norwegian gin and has received the highest honors in several international competitions.

Kimerud owes a lot to the Norwegian geography, temperature and heritage.

The cold climate in Norway adds to the quality of Kimerud Gin as it delays the growth of the herbs, bringing a richness that contributes greatly to the final taste. Kimerud also use botanicals that were popular in the Viking era: (800-1050), as a food and medicinal source. Learning from their teachings, Kimerud produces a balanced yet powerful gin which pays tribute to the strength the Vikings needed for their naval voyages.

Take a tour of the distillery

Kimerud Gins HERE

Kimerud Aquavit HERE